Hoist the colours!

Hi, I guess many of you have seen the saga “Pirate of the Caribbean”, in the third movie, there is a speech from Elisabeth Swan just before the engage in a battle with the Indian trade company led by lord Becket. I find this speech quite inspirational and the final words very applicable to many things: “HOIST THE COLOURS”

We live in a world full of people with different minds, different backgrounds, we are all unique. One of the things that we developed and all do as a reflex is judge and compare. Even if you say you don’t, you do. We have been groomed since ever to compare ourselves to other, and to judge people for their choice. It doesn’t mean we cannot have an open mind. But you need to accept that you judge and compare. Then you can identify it and discard it when it comes.

The point is, we all judge and it is normal, most people you see and judge you never see again. If you accept this, then you might as well hoist the colours and be yourself. Show your true self knowing that you’ll get judge anyway. might as well be the real you, not what you think will fit in more.

Hoist the colours, show your flag, be your true self, the world will adapt. You are a force of nature, embody it!